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Unfolding toward Wholeness


What does it mean to be on a journey toward wholeness?
Have you ever felt that there is more to life than ordinary consciousness?

That more of you could be available, for creativity, joy, and deeper presence - possibly more of who you really are, your true nature, rather than the one filled with racing thoughts of doing, comparison to others, thoughts and feelings of “I am not enough”? Does it seem as though the critic has the upper hand?  And that these thoughts and feelings impact your relationships, mood, and career choices?

Why do these patterns repeat and repeat?


The base of my work combines Eastern teaching and practices wth the concepts and practices of Western depth psychology and sees developent as occuring in spiraling and overlapping stages. Our spiritual and psychological journey is examined in the context of these stages. This evolutionary process is informed by the method of inquiry, which is similar to simple curiosity, yet a questioning that keeps uncovering awareness, layer after layer.  This exploration will offer a contemporary yet ancient perspective that tracks our own evolution of consciousness that we glimpse in a mere "moment" in time, that is, indeed, timeless.

I want to unfold
Let no place in me hold itself closed
For where I am closed, I am false
I want to stay clear in your sight
                -Rainer Maria Rilke
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